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Welcome to Veterans Services Office    

The Veterans Services Office assists veterans and their dependents with applications for compensation, pensions, hospitalization and other benefits through an intake process that includes information and referral services. The Veterans Services Office works with the Department of Veterans Affairs and other nationally chartered veterans service organizations to ensure that veterans, their dependents and survivors receive their richly deserved entitlements.

Services offered by the Veterans Services Office include the following:

  • Informs veterans, dependents, and survivors of their eligibility for benefits payable through the Department of Veterans Affairs

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  • Completes forms for benefits that may be payable through the Department of Veterans Affairs

  • Completes forms and notifies the appropriate branch of service of the death of a retiree

  • Informs survivors of procedures regarding military benefits

  • Obtains supporting documents for claims by veterans, their spouses and dependents

  • Records original discharges (DD214) with the County Clerk’s office

Top Veteran questions:



  1. What is a DD-214?
  2. Does Texas keep my DD 214 confidential?
  3. Where can I obtain my DD 214?
  4. What are important things a Veteran should know?
  5. NSC—Pension Benefit
  6. What war did you serve in?




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New Education Benefit for Unemployed

Army Owes 120,000 Veterans Extra Pay

Welcome Home Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan

Veterans Services Brochure

RVI/Resource Directory

Veterans Services News

Returning Veterans

Prescription Refills

Tax Rebate Info. for Veterans

Texas Veterans Land Board

Texas Veterans Commission

Housing for Veterans

Harris County Website

Military's Largest Benefit Update

VA Welcomes Returning Veterans

9418 Jensen Drive, Suite 200
Houston, TX 77093
Office: 281-876-6600
Fax: 713-692-3963

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